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Monday 11 November 2013


Bullying is something that has been going on for years and it just doesn't seem to be getting better. We've all had our fair share of experiences and our different ways of handling it. In this post, I am going to share my story of being bullied and then I will give you a few methods on how to cope with it.

I was 14 when I had my first (bad) experience. I was in an all girls school in Boksburg, and one of the guys from the brother school asked me out. I was really excited, as any teenage girl will be to receive their first kiss by one of the hottest and popular boys, but it actually turned out to be one of my worst nightmares.

That Monday, after our first date, all hell broke loose. Firstly, I was being teased by my classmates because I had curly hair, I don't listen to the same type of music as everyone else and also, because I didn't cut my wrists in class like they did. They would also mock me whenever I raised my hand up to answer a teacher's question. Hence why I am so quiet to this day.

A few weeks later, nobody would talk to me, even my ''friends'' told me that they hated me and never want me to be their friend anymore. Three girls would also push me around and jump on my back everyday. So for my last three months there I spent my breaks alone to eat my lunch and read my books. I would even get death threats and SMS's saying: "You deserve to die", "You're pathetic" and "I can see you, I will shoot you, duck now".

I handled the bullying pretty well, after all I was moving to a small town three hours drive away from Boksburg. I did try and talk to my principle once, but that just made it worse, I didn't even tell my parents what was happening.

Here are a few methods to help you cope:

  1. Smile: Show them that you are happy with your life, Showing them that you are upset will just make you more vulnerable.
  2. Joke with them: If they tease you, sarcastically agree with them. For example: "Yeah I know I'm gross", this will confuse them and will also show them that you have thick skin.
  3. Self-Defense classes: At the moment I am taking boxing classes three times a week. Back then I was only taking Ninjutsu, once a week. This really helps you take out your frustration and will also make you stronger for when you get mugged on the streets.
  4. Meditate
  5. Be yourself, no matter what anybody else thinks.

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