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Saturday 23 November 2013

My Vegetarian Story

My Story

I became a vegetarian just over two years ago. My friend and I decided to do it as a 30 day detox. We decided to do lacto-ovo which means that I do eat eggs and dairy but I don't eat meat. Once I started, I felt my kidneys were getting better and I had a lot more energy. When the 30 days were just about up, I stumbled across a video call "Glass Walls" by Paul McCartney and was absolutely disgusted. And thats how it became my life.

Kinds of vegetarians

1. Pescatarian: Eats fish, chicken, eggs and dairy but no red meat
2. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: Eats eggs and dairy but no meat
3. Ovo Vegetarian: eats egg but no dairy and meat
4. Lacto Vegetarian: eats dairy but no eggs and meat
5. Vegan: eats no dairy and no meat

Vitamins to take

Vitamins and supplements is one of the most difficult things about being a vegetarian. I take:
  1. An Immune Booster
  2. Iron
  3. Vitamin B
  4. Flax seed Oil
  5. Calcium
  6. Zinc
  7. Protein Powder

Just remember not everyone does well on a vegetarian diet, you need to make sure that your Doctor says that it is ok and make your you take the relevant protein supplements.

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