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Saturday 23 November 2013

Breaking Bad Review (SPOILER HEAVY)

Ja, ja. I know, I'm a bot late to hop on the band wagon. But when I started watching it last year I got bored. Luckily this year I tried to watch it again and OH MY FUCKING GOD i loved it! Here is my review for each season:

Season 1:

This season showed us the beginning of Walt's obsession with cooking meth and shows us his weaker stage of lung cancer. This season had a lot of emotion and drama. I loved the part when Walt committed his first kill and his hesitance towards this business at first.

Season 2:

This season was sad for me, I didn't like the way that Walter just let Jesse's girlfriend die. I also loved watching Jesse getting back into his drug habits.

Season 3: 

To be completely honest, I found this season to be quite boring. The only exciting part about this season was when Skylar found out about Walt.

Season 4:

This season was probably the best. It had amazing quotes and an amazing plot. Throughout the whole season we sat in anticipation as Walter/ Heisenberg plot his revenge against Gus.

Season 5:

This season was also my favourite, I loved the way how everyone found out about Walt. I loved Hanks story in this, and the way he died was brilliant. I didnt quiet understand the point of Walter hiding out in a cabin but the finale was epic. It had shock value but it also gave us closure, I was also impresssed on how they wrote in his death.

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