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Monday 18 November 2013

Change is Inevitable

Change is something that most people fear about, and what makes other people feel excited about. I love change, I constantly change the way I dress, my hair colour, my gym routine, what i eat every day (I never have the same meal twice in one week) and my room.

If you are one of those people that hate change, here are some ways to ease into it:

1. Take it one step at a time, for example: put cinnamon in your oatmeal instead of sugar.
2. Do it for the sake of shocking people. People will see you differently and start respecting you and wait in anticipation to see what you will accomplish next.
3. Do it for the sake of shocking your self. You can accomplish anything but sometimes your mind will prevent that from happening. Act on impulse now and again, get a tattoo, colour your hair purple (which I have just done).

We can't avoid change, people grow up and get married, have kids and then grandkids. It's what makes up the Human  Circle of Life. Live your life, you are young, no matter what your age. Be yourself but be a better version of yourself.


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