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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Venting letter #1 (uncensored)

Ok, so my holding a grudge post the other day kind of didn't  work for me today on NAMELESS. So instead I decided to write a hate letter to her (I'm not going to send it to her or anything, this is just to get my feelings out) again, I have blocked out her name because I am a better person than that.

Dear Ugly Fish Face

You are disgusting and annoying. Gossiping is for losers with no self-respect, like your face. Your laugh is like a fucking orangutang, everyone hates you but is so scared that you'll talk behind their back so they remain friends with you anyways. You hurt me a kot and I am finally done with your fucking lies. You no longer exist in my life. Talk about me all you want, at least I am important enough. You are ugly and two-faced and a stalker.


Someone who doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Excuse the bad grammar, but that was raw anger in those words. And I actually feel a lot better. Try it, its a lot of fun, but don't send it to that person otherwise it will cause drama.



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