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Sunday 17 November 2013

Holding a Grudge

We have all had that one person that makes you want to pull you hair out every time you see him/her. Even the most placid person can hold a grudge, doesn't have to be someone we know personally, even though he is dead, Hitler is still one of the most hated people in the world. Like the quote above says, it is unnecessary to hold a grudge and hate that person every second of every day.

I used to really hate this girl who used to be my best friend 5 or 6 years ago, lets call her NAMELESS. She used to try and break me down and deceive me over and over again in high school and even small things now since we have been out of school these past 2 years.

  1. When i moved here to this small town, I was so excited. I have always wanted to work with kids. I invited NAMELESS to join me, because she lived in the same estate as I did. I set up prices and an appointment book, just like in the Babysitters club novels.I asked my estate to put her and my name in the newsletters. But when the next newsletter came out I saw NAMELESS and her two sisters advertising to do babysitting, house sitting and pet sitting (even though they wouldn't know the first thing about looking after a dog or cat). I was devastated and even though I confronted her about it the next day she said something along the lines of "its not just about you".
  2. Few months later, I forgave her. I invited her to my house on the Friday afternoon so that my dad can help us with a maths assignment. That following Monday, the teacher noticed that our work was similar, and afraid that she was going to lose marks, NAMELESS told the teacher that I copied her work. I was so furious that I went during our 2nd break to tell him that NAMELESS is lying and that my dad helped us. He believed me and marked my paper as normal, without deducting marks.
  3. I forgave her again a year after that and gave her a second chance. Until my best friend told me that she has been calling me annoying behind my back. So then I decided to ignore her and avoid her whenever I can.
  4. In matric, about a year after that we started talking again, and worked on a business assignment together and that went well, until the end of that year, after our finals when she asked for my exam number so that she could see my marks. That was the final straw, I deleted her and blocked her from all of my social media and was very careful of what I said on my social media in case her friends will go telling her everything.
These past two years she hasn't done anything drastic to hurt me, just small things, like a dirty look in the gym and things like that. But this past year I have changed I am older and more mature to realize that it doesn't matter what she says behind my back because people who judge you and continuously try to break you or your family down are just pathetic and lonely because they have nothing better to do with their lives. So talk behind my back, try and sabotage my life. You wont succeed though, because I am stronger and happier now than I have ever been in my entire life.

- Heather

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