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Friday 16 August 2013

Motivational Friday: How to stand up after you have lost a battle?

So this year has been the hardest year of my life. I got two jobs, then I lost two jobs. My grandpa, mom's puppy and gran's cat passed away. I found out that I had both testosterone deficiency (yes, women do need a vital amount of testosterone as a part of their menstrual cycle) and a peptic ulcer.
Even though none of what has happened this past year has been my fault, these past two weeks I have been acting like I'm depressed and my motivation and self-esteem is at an all time low. And it's been effecting my family and friends too. But luckily, I surround myself with positive people.

My plan as to how I am going to get through this:

Write in a journal: This one is going to be a VERY difficult one for me as I have tried this before, but I never follow through. I am, however, going to try and sit down every night and write out my thoughts on that day.
Keep up with my gym plan: Working out is one of the best things that you can do to clear your mind of negative thoughts.
Meditate: This is also going to be difficult as I often get distracted during meditation. But I also want to try and do this every night.
Distract myself: I'm going to take this opportunity to study more, read more and laugh more.

Its very difficult to say to yourself "Everything will be alright" because it not always will. The secret is not necessarily positivity, but more of how you bounce back after a bad patch.

How do you stand up after you have lost a battle?


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