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Friday 29 March 2013

Easy " Anything-Goes" Scrambled Eggs

In my opinion, a Sunday breakfast is not complete without a scrumptious batch of scrambled eggs. Why eat plain scrambled eggs, when you can add so much color to them with an assortment of veggies and practically anything you find in the kitchen?

 Here is one of the simple dishes I cooked up last week for my family. Feel free to substitute anything else you might want to include in this dish!


- 5 Large eggs
-1/2 cup of milk
- 1 cup of different vegetables and fruit( for this meal I used onions, apples, tomatoes and green beans)
- handful of grated cheese 
- Olive oil/ Sunflower oil 


- In a clean bowl beat together the eggs and milk. Add your seasoning of choice
- Heat oil in a large frying pan over a medium-heat stove and saute the vegetables/ fruit until soft
- Add the egg mixture to the pan and fry the eggs
- When the eggs are cooked, sprinkle the grated cheese 
- Serve with a slice of whole-wheat toast

Imani Dlamini 

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