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Thursday 21 March 2013

Fit Thursday: Tattoo healing, fitness slump and reunion weight loss challenge

Welcome back to fit Thursday everyone!! : D

It has been a couple of weeks now, since I got my tattoo but since I started exercising again last week I've just been unmotivated. And since I'm getting my touch up done this weekend I decided that it is time for NO MORE EXCUSES and just do lower body work while I wait for it to heal this time.

I have also set out a challenge for myself to loose some weight for my High School Reunion happening the 13th July (a day before my birthday). I haven't made a goal as to how much weight I exactly want to loose but I do want to loose some body weight. Every Friday I'll post my numbers to show you how I am doing.

Enjoy your weekend and keep moving!!

-Heather McIntosh

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