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Saturday 2 March 2013

My first tattoo experience

My First tattoo experience!! (Let it be with a feather quill on my left back shoulder)

On Friday the 16th February 2013 I checked off an Item in my bucket list, and that was to get a tattoo.
Deciding on my tattoo
My first tattoo idea was getting a small bow on my ankle but then I decided against it because I didn't want to get tired of it and regret it later. I then decided on getting the quote: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible" on my foot. But then people like my boyfriend and he's best friend said "try stapling water to a tree, that is pretty impossible''. So then I thought, well that fucking ruined it. Then I was listening to the song: "Let it be" by the Beatles and a light bulb went off...
The meaning
The words "Let it be" symbolise my favourite song and to just go with the flow and don't stress about the little things. The feather quill symbolises luck and creativity. It also symbolises my nickname ''Heather Feather'' and my love of royal history (the time before computers).
The experience
To be honest I felt no pain while getting the tattoo. It just felt like my cat was repeatedly scratching me (when she is in a good mood ;) ). The lady was distracting me most of the time and spoke to me and constantly asked me if I'm feeling ok. On a scale of 1-5 the pain was 1.5.
The healing process
This is probably worse than getting the actual tattoo done. I am on day 8 and the tattoo is starting to peel and it looks so gross! During days 4-7 the tattoo was scabbing, which also freaked me out and I was afraid that it would ruin my tattoo. I apply bepanthen (three times a day then after 10 days I can stop using it and carry on using my unscented body lotion to keep it moisturised. I also was it with anit-bacterial soap twice a day. In two months the tattoo artist said that I can go back for a free touch up.
I love my tattoo and the way it came out was even better than I pictured it to be. I will never regret it! I am already planning my second

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