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Friday 22 March 2013

Simple Ways to Stay Healthy in Varsity

Use the damn stairs!
Especially if you are going up one floor! I mean, seriously? Do not use the elevator to go from level 3 to 4. You are bound to get mean stares from a few agitated students.

And besides,  if you attend a large university, like the one I do, you will find that using the stairs might get you to your destination in a fraction of the time.

Use the longer route
If you have time use the longer route to your class. Not only will you get to experience the fresh air, you can also burn a couple calories.

Step away from the canteen... step away
Head on to the library instead.

Head on to the library
I've noticed that when I am super busy... I tend to eat less. Mostly because sometimes we eat out of boredom. But what better way to discourage yourself from eating than heading to the library? Besides, you are not allowed to eat in the library;)

Join a sport or the local gym
Not only can you stay fit by participating in sport or joining the local campus gym, you can also socialize and get a breather from the books. 

Pack your own lunch
Just because you are no longer in school, does not mean you cannot still pack a neat set of peanut butter sandwiches wrapped in cling wrap. When you having the munchies, it may be difficult to find a healthy snack on campus. Although some do stock apples! Yes, they actually sell fruit at the kiosk at my school! SCORE!

Drink water
This is a no-brainer. As you know, water is healthy and it should curb your hunger. So stay away from the sodas, the calorie-laden coffee milkshakes and ice teas...  drink some water instead.
The best part of it: it is free.

Peace and love

Imani Dlamini 

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