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Thursday 4 April 2013

Chalean Extreme Review and NO weigh-in

Due to the Easter weekend and my time of the month arriving, I ddi not do a weigh-in this week. I will however present you with a review on the Chalean Extreme exercise program.
"Get ready to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and get LEAN with  Chalean Extreme. The new, clinically proven fat loss system that uses cardio and resistance training in a brand new way to get you better results in less time. Now you can burn up to 60% of your body fat in just three months and see visible results every 30 days- GUARANTEED!''
Ok I must be honest here, I didn't complete the full programme due to the fact of my tattoo. I also cheated a lot on my diet. But in my defence I did start working so it's a lot harder for me to stay on track. All I need to do is work out a proper eating plan. And I am already posting these weigh-ins which will also help a lot, as extra motivation.
The Chalean extreme program is easy to follow. Don't be scared about adding muscle, ladies. Chalene Johnson makes it very clear that muscle is sexy on woman as well as sexy on men....Bikini season anyone? ;). I did wish that there was more cardio in the programme because, for me, two days of cardio isn't enough. I did get more toned arms and sexy back due to this programme which I am very happy about. I do miss my cardio though, that is why I am going to tackle TurboFire in a week's time.
Chalene is very motivating and she constantly making sure that you have the right form because since you are lifting heavy weights you need to always check you form. I used up to 2 kg dumbbells and resistant band. And she has motivated me to buy heavier weights (my goal is to reach 10 kg by September, when I am doing the P90x programme).
Hope you have a fantastic and healthy weekend, because I know I'm going to be focusing on getting my diet on track. :)
-Heather McIntosh

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