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Thursday 16 May 2013

Where have I been???

As you may or may not have noticed, the blog has been a little bit empty this month. So this blog post is to inform you where the hell I have been and what is going on in my life.
Hair loss
Let's start with my hair. Since August of last year I have lost a great amount of hair. At first I thought it was because I wasn't eating meat so I increased my vitamin supplement intake. (I now take Vitamin B; zinc; flax seed oil; Iron). But a couple of months went by and nothing improved. I then decided to start using a lower sulphate shampoo and conditioner, but nothing improved. Then I thought to go to the doctor, she wasn't my usual doctor but a substitute wouldn't hurt me. I told her that I wanted to go back on birth control since I figured  that maybe my oestrogen levels were low. she then prescribed me Qlaira which was different to the Yaz that I was on previously, nothing improved but I was on it for 3 months. Then, in April I decided to go back to my doctor (this time I made sure that it was my normal GP) and he did blood tests for my iron, thyroid, testosterone, calcium and liver. the following day he phoned me and told me that I was testosterone deficient. So now every day I use a cream and he also put me back on Yaz. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my hair ever since.

New hair, new me
So after that whole debacle about the hair loss I decided to cut and donate my hair to charity. my hair was really long but also quite thin. last minute I also decided to permanently colour my hair for the first time. I feel more myself these days with my new hair.

Death and Conflicts
Last week we got some unsettling news... my mom's Yorkie puppy past away. I grieved a lot, he was so tiny and healthy the one day and the next he was sick and having seizures. The vet said that he had Hepatitis C and died there at the vet. I personally believe that there was some inbreeding involved. Then the following day my gran's cat died. So last week was just the week for deaths.
I also got into a conflict with my boss, at the crèche I work at, who told me that my mother's day cards were horrible. I worked 3 fucking hours on those cards. I might quit that job, the reason will be in the next paragraph below.

Vomiting and stomach pain
So the 3rd of May, I started vomiting and having severe stomach ache, after I eat. That went for about a week and a half until my mom couldn't take it anymore and said that I have to go to the doctor. I then found out that I have a peptic ulcer from stressing so much. Well, who wouldn't with three jobs plus studying to do. All he gave me was antacids and Urbanol which helps treat anxiety. I also have to give up spicy foods, caffeine, citrus foods, and fried food. How am I going to live without coffee?????????

Anyways, blogs will be back up and running from my side as from today. I also will not be doing weekly weigh-ins anymore due to all the extra hormones anymore. I will, however, do a weigh-in after each workout programme. Enjoy your weekend x
Heather McIntosh

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