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Friday 20 September 2013

Fit Friday: Top 10 reasons why I hate pure cardio & new workout schedule

Disclaimer: I am not a fitness expert. This is purely my own opinion and what works for me.

HI everyone,

Today I am going to give my top ten reasons why I hate pure cardio workouts, such as running and cycling outdoors (with the exception of spinning). The classes I take at the gym combine strength and cardio together which I really like. But if you enjoy running around, I totally get that. I, for one, don't and here is why:

10) Joint pain

Don't get me wrong, back in my mid-teens I used to cycle almost everyday around the estate that I live in. After time, I used to feel joint pain in my knees. Same thing in tennis with my wrists. And even in boxing right now with my hands. Be careful to not do these exercises everyday as they can cause serious problems to your joints.

9) Outdoors- Bad weather

One thing that annoyed me when I used to walk and cycle everyday was the bad weather, either it would be too hot or rainy or the flu in winter. You get so excited, but then right before you want to go out, the weather dampens your spirit. And you have to do the walk of shame back indoors and stare longingly out your window.

8) Weird stares at the gym

I haven't experienced this personally but I have noticed the weird stares that people give each other at the gym. I've even noticed one girl I despise staring at me during the classes. But the biggest victims are the people that take Zumba, poor things! rather focus on your own workout instead of judging other people.

7) It triggers my asthma and ulcer

This used to be the biggest downfall. I even used to get asthma attacks of I went for a long walk. The ulcer one is weird though, I guess that 1 hour cardio workout is too much strain on my body.

6) Makes me tired

Too much cardio makes me really tired, especially during the workout.

5) Doesn't make me feel strong

After a cardio workout, instead of feeling strong and lean afterwards I feel like a weakling and as if I walked the entire Hogwarts building ten times .

4) Unmotivates me

When I do strength and cardio intervals I feel more motivated to push myself. Can't say the same about cardio.

3) Makes me stress more

When i used to cycle and even when I ran (sorry, I lie: when I thought about running) I used to get anxious about going in the streets, for some reason. I have no idea why as I live in a secure estate.

2) Don't feel muscle stiffness

One thing that I love about working out is muscle stiffness, it gives me a sense of accomplishment and I feel leaner and stronger. For some reason I don't get stiff when doing cardio, actually I start feeling like a lump.

1) It's boring!!

The number one reason why I hate pure cardio is that i get so bored! Its the same moves over and over agian. I even find myself planning the rest of my day, and the next day.

My updated gym schedule

With the new management at the gym the schedule has changed a bit and they have added more classes. These are the classes I take:

Monday: am- HIIT (1 hour)
                pm- HIIT (1 hour)- with my sister

Tuesday (active recovery): am- yoga (1 hour)
                                         pm- walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Wednesday: am-Boot Camp (1 hour)
                    pm- Pilates (1 hour)

Thursday: am- Box Condtioning (30 mins boxing and 30 mins strength)
                pm- Yoga (1 hour)

Friday (active recovery): am- Pilates (1 hour)
                                      pm- Walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Saturday: am- Box Boot Camp (30 mins boxing and 30 mins boot camp)
               pm- walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Sunday: Rest day

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