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Sunday 1 September 2013

*Major Spoilers*! Confessions of a couch potato: True Blood season 6, Switched at Birth Season 2, Angel Beats and Pretty Little Liars season 4 mid season

True Blood season 6 discussion

WTF?! Is my reaction to this season, and not in a good way. When i started this show, I loved the violence and gore (sometimes a girl just needs to watch someone's heart being ripped off) but I just feel like it's not the same anymore. This season starts off with Bill being a "god-like vampire" which I don't understand, maybe I skipped something important in season 5? It also starts off with what's-his-face planning to imprison the vampires, torture them, and then eventually kill them (with Sarah Newlin by his side, which I loved her being back on the show). I didn't like the whole Sookie and Warlow story line. And there wasn't enough Tara, I miss the old potty-mouth Tara, she is my favourite character on this show. And let's not even mention Andy Bellefleur impregnating an alien and those girls growing up in a matter of weeks. Towards the end of the finale episode (episode 10: Radioactive) it showed us Eric in the snowy mountains, full frontal and reading a book and then suddenly burning. I was thinking to myself (please don't die Eric). I really hope that Pam got to him in time, or he found a way to hide from the sun. They then did a 6 months later thing. Where Sam is president (whoo hoo!), Sookie and Alcide are a couple? and Tara's mom makes a confessions and allows Tara to feed off of her. Oh! and Terry's funeral scene really made me cry so much!

Switched at Birth season 2 Discussion

I loved this last half of Switched at Birth season 2. So let's start off with Ty and Bay: I am definitely team E-Bay so I wasn't too pleased with the whole Ty and Bay getting back together. I just don't think that they have that perfect chemistry. I think he did lie about cheating on her though, to get her off his case about being deported and to protect her feelings if anything did happen to him there. Oh, and having sex for the first time with him was probably not the best idea, since she clearly still has feelings for Emmett.
Ok, so let us talk about Daphne a little bit now: I love that she stands up for what she believes in (remember the whole "taking back Carlton" incident?) but she may have gone too far by exposing Chip Codo's affair. She could have gotten into a lot of trouble, but I love the letter she wrote in the end of the finale episode, truly inspiring. 
Now onto the Toby and Nikki Relationship: We find out that Nikki's died was murdered in a drug deal. And we see her go off the rails, with Toby supporting her the whole way through. I disagree with the adults. They are in love and if they want to get married, then so be it! 
I love everything about this show, it's inspiring and a good light-hearted drama.

Angel Beats discussion

This show is basically about angels who have died and are half way to heaven. Once they have fulfilled their dreams or have gotten over their regrets, they disappear and move on. This anime makes you laugh your guts out the one minute, then the next you are crying buckets. I especially cried when Kanade told Otonashi that she received his heart and said "Thank you for giving me life" right in the middle of him confessing his love to her. I loved this anime and finished it in two days.

Pretty Little Liars season 4 Mid-season finale discussion

Since so much happened in the finale I'm just going to focus my discussion on that. Let's start at the beginning of the episode in bullet points:

  • The girls keep on getting packages which is A sending them a message.
  • Ashley Maran's charges are dropped (yay)
  • Ezra and Aria share a kiss and I'm not sure if they are back together or not, but poor Jake! He is such a nice guy. But Ezra and Aria do have a ton of chemistry I suppose
  • The girls then get sent to a magic show from A. They show us the town of Ravenswood (Can't flippen wait for that show!!)
  • The girls spot two redcoats: whom of which one of them is CeCe who locked Emily in a wooden box on a saw mill. CeCe then falls off a balcony type thing and is supposedly is dead, then disappears in a matter of seconds.
  • We then find out that Ali is indeed alive (gasps!) and has been hiding in Ravenswood.
  • Then the final moments we find Ezra in A's lair and now the question in everyone's mind is "Is Ezra A?". I personally think that he is like Toby and Caleb and trying to protect the girls from the inside.

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