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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Read all about it

Read all about it
Google is great. Find out anything you want, with just a click of a button. Yes, yes yes... I am aware that there is plethora of other search engines but it is almost as if search engines are automatically associated with Google. It is almost like here in South Africa, when you say Colgate you are actually referring to any old toothpaste, not necessary the actual brand.   

I have a confession: I am a Google geek. I Google absolutely everything, from serious issues like rhino poaching in Zimbabwe or helping a friend who is in trouble, to so-called dilemmas: How to do a 2000-word essay in one night. Help! My hair is breaking or the most common one: successfully pull all nighters (which always ends up in a fail, yet somehow I find solace in the fact that I am not the only person considering this it). I Google anything and everything, Google is my friend when I need advice on the go and so is the vast amount of knowledge contained in those paper things called books. Yes! Books! How could I forget about books!

You can find out anything you want, or so I thought but I will get into that later. You can literally read about any subject imaginable, not just from the internet but from books, books, BOOKS! And being the nerd I am, I love to read! And I used to think that I knew all the answers I need about life because I had read about, watched it, and that somehow granted me automatic degree in LIFE.

For instance, my " book" knowledge about relationships always came in handy when my friends would come to ME for advice. Me? The destined spinster ,lined up to adopt 67 cats, for relationship advice? I was always my best friend’s personal Dr. Phil when it came to relationships, which at the time was ironic because I had never been in a relationship or even had a boy look at me unless it was to copy my homework . But being as curious, and avid reader of women’s magazines, advice columns and Dr Phil or whatever there was from young a age: I was considered an expert. Or maybe in my own narrow view I was an expert. I was mature. My mom even said so, in not exactly those words, when she was amazed at my " mature" approach to relationships. I had read about it, and since I read about it, it was that simple.  1+1= 2. 

I thought I knew all there was to know about relationships, or maybe life in general. I had the neat formula. I spent a share amount of time reading from various self-help gurus.

Of course that was until It was my turn to face some of the challenges I had painfully watched my friends handle. The self-esteem issues, crappy relationships, and just life... All of a sudden when I felt like I was thrust into the heat of things: I was lost. What is my purpose in life? Am I really smart enough? What should I do about ABC? Crap! I am so fat Etc…

I felt like all those books teaching me how to get the best of life, the blog posts on living a happy fulfilling life had filled my empty cup with air. Just air, because I did not become wiser with them… I had all the theory, but not much practice. Or in other words, I could “talk a good game”, but when it came to actually living, I struggled just like everybody else.

And that scared me. It still does. Yes, there are some things I have read that have challenged me in so many ways. But I am clueless at times- And realizing this has been a humbling experience. Self-help books, Google, Oprah or whatever are great! Really! But they still don't give me all the answers to life's questions.

My point is, you can’t learn all there is to learn about life in a book or a search engine. Sometimes experience really is a great teacher. There comes a time when you can choose between living life, or watching other people live it!

It is your call.

Imani Dlamini

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Book Challenge Update: How I escaped a girl gang & a sense of an ending

How I escaped a girl gang by Chyna (book 71/100)

"From a young age, Chyna saw people all around her in gangs. They had the status, the look and the money. So when girls from a rival school started to bully Chyna and her friends, they decided to take control in the only way they knew how.
But the deeper Chyna got into this world, as she became involved with boys and fell in love, the more she discovered the dark side- the vicious drug dealers, the beatings, the guns.
It would take a devastating tragedy- one that ripped apart her world- before Chyna found the courage to leave gangland behind once and for all."

My rating: 5.5/10
My Comment: This book was crazy. Although I did not enjoy it, the pacing was too slow for me

A sense of an ending by Julian Barnes (book 72/100)

"Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affections  in-jokes, rumour and wit. Maybe Adrian was a little more serious that the others, certainly more intelligent, but they all swore to stay friends for life. Now Tony is retired. He's had a career and a single marriage, a calm divorce. He's certainly never tried to hurt anybody. Memory, though, is imperfect. It can always throw surprises, as a lawyer's letter is about to prove.

My rating: 7/10
My Comment: Beautifully written real-life fiction

I.AM.WOMAN- My top ten beauty products

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my first beauty post. Today I am going to count down my top ten beauty products. These products range from hair, make-up, skin and perfume. They are also listed in no particular order.

10. Wella Proseries Shampoo and Conditioner for Coloured Hair (Hair)
9. Deja Vu Body Butter (skin)
8. Revlon Nail Polish (make-up)
7 Esse Rich Moisturiser (skin)
6. Wella Proseries Max-hold (hair)
5.  Nivea gel face wash (skin)
4. Bioderma sunblock (skin)
3. DKNY Be Delicious (perfume)
2. Paco Rabone Black XS (perfume)
1. Palladio (any make-up product)

our twitter: @imaniandheather
our email: imaniandheather@gmail.com

Friday, 20 September 2013

Fit Friday: Top 10 reasons why I hate pure cardio & new workout schedule

Disclaimer: I am not a fitness expert. This is purely my own opinion and what works for me.

HI everyone,

Today I am going to give my top ten reasons why I hate pure cardio workouts, such as running and cycling outdoors (with the exception of spinning). The classes I take at the gym combine strength and cardio together which I really like. But if you enjoy running around, I totally get that. I, for one, don't and here is why:

10) Joint pain

Don't get me wrong, back in my mid-teens I used to cycle almost everyday around the estate that I live in. After time, I used to feel joint pain in my knees. Same thing in tennis with my wrists. And even in boxing right now with my hands. Be careful to not do these exercises everyday as they can cause serious problems to your joints.

9) Outdoors- Bad weather

One thing that annoyed me when I used to walk and cycle everyday was the bad weather, either it would be too hot or rainy or the flu in winter. You get so excited, but then right before you want to go out, the weather dampens your spirit. And you have to do the walk of shame back indoors and stare longingly out your window.

8) Weird stares at the gym

I haven't experienced this personally but I have noticed the weird stares that people give each other at the gym. I've even noticed one girl I despise staring at me during the classes. But the biggest victims are the people that take Zumba, poor things! rather focus on your own workout instead of judging other people.

7) It triggers my asthma and ulcer

This used to be the biggest downfall. I even used to get asthma attacks of I went for a long walk. The ulcer one is weird though, I guess that 1 hour cardio workout is too much strain on my body.

6) Makes me tired

Too much cardio makes me really tired, especially during the workout.

5) Doesn't make me feel strong

After a cardio workout, instead of feeling strong and lean afterwards I feel like a weakling and as if I walked the entire Hogwarts building ten times .

4) Unmotivates me

When I do strength and cardio intervals I feel more motivated to push myself. Can't say the same about cardio.

3) Makes me stress more

When i used to cycle and even when I ran (sorry, I lie: when I thought about running) I used to get anxious about going in the streets, for some reason. I have no idea why as I live in a secure estate.

2) Don't feel muscle stiffness

One thing that I love about working out is muscle stiffness, it gives me a sense of accomplishment and I feel leaner and stronger. For some reason I don't get stiff when doing cardio, actually I start feeling like a lump.

1) It's boring!!

The number one reason why I hate pure cardio is that i get so bored! Its the same moves over and over agian. I even find myself planning the rest of my day, and the next day.

My updated gym schedule

With the new management at the gym the schedule has changed a bit and they have added more classes. These are the classes I take:

Monday: am- HIIT (1 hour)
                pm- HIIT (1 hour)- with my sister

Tuesday (active recovery): am- yoga (1 hour)
                                         pm- walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Wednesday: am-Boot Camp (1 hour)
                    pm- Pilates (1 hour)

Thursday: am- Box Condtioning (30 mins boxing and 30 mins strength)
                pm- Yoga (1 hour)

Friday (active recovery): am- Pilates (1 hour)
                                      pm- Walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Saturday: am- Box Boot Camp (30 mins boxing and 30 mins boot camp)
               pm- walk dogs (15-30 mins)

Sunday: Rest day

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Book Challenge update (quickie) books numbers 66 to 71 and new beauty posts from Saturday the 21st September

Book 66: Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts (6.5/10)
Book 67: How to find fulfilling work by Roman Kzrnaric (6/10)
Book 68: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (7/10)
Book 69: Impulse by Ellen Hopkins (8/10)
Book 70: The Witness by Nora Roberts (7.5/10)
Book 71: The Knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness (7/10)

Hi everyone,

Lately I've been bored with doing the popcorn bites everyday. Instead I will be posting beauty blog posts. This will entail reviews, top ten lists and good advice to get your skin glowing and healthy. Have a lovely week ahead.

Kind Regards,

Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/imaniandheather
Email us: imaniandheather@gmail.com

Monday, 2 September 2013

So Little Time, So much to do

I remember filling out my timetable at the beginning of the year, excited at how much free time I would have. Wow! Only one class on Tuesdays!? I will have soooo much time!

 A month and half into the second semester I am being constantly reminded how wrong I was.  Because school or life in general, goes beyond just the classroom… there are the mandatory often mundane tutorials, preparing for class readings, class discussions, assignments… Oh, and the normative 8 hours of sleep some scientists say we are supposed to be getting. I say normative because it is how we would like things to be, but it is not always so. However, millions of students worldwide will tell you that 8 hours of sleep is unrealistic * slowly raising my hand*

Anyway, back to the “false” impression I got that I would have all the time in the world. It is not there. It always seems like there is so little time, so much to do. And at times it really can get overwhelming. So much so we forego things like the above-mentioned: sleep. Or skipping unmentionable days of gym, meal times, and movie dates with your pals etc etc etc etc… or the Horror: lectures.

But there is time. I realized that I do have time! And since changing my mindset from the so little time, so much to do… to I will choose to spend my time do this and that… My time management skills have improved. And I do feel a sense of a balance. You get to choose how to spend your 24 hours and sometimes it requires trashing some activities that may not serve your purpose at the moment.
So I am going to leave you with a quote by H. Jackson Brown serves as a constant reminder that I do have time! Maybe not time to do everything but I can do the important things. And by important I mean things that will serve your purpose

 “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Hellen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leornado da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein” And just to add a little local spin to it, Nelson Mandela.
Peace and love


Imani Dlamini

Sunday, 1 September 2013

*Major Spoilers*! Confessions of a couch potato: True Blood season 6, Switched at Birth Season 2, Angel Beats and Pretty Little Liars season 4 mid season

True Blood season 6 discussion

WTF?! Is my reaction to this season, and not in a good way. When i started this show, I loved the violence and gore (sometimes a girl just needs to watch someone's heart being ripped off) but I just feel like it's not the same anymore. This season starts off with Bill being a "god-like vampire" which I don't understand, maybe I skipped something important in season 5? It also starts off with what's-his-face planning to imprison the vampires, torture them, and then eventually kill them (with Sarah Newlin by his side, which I loved her being back on the show). I didn't like the whole Sookie and Warlow story line. And there wasn't enough Tara, I miss the old potty-mouth Tara, she is my favourite character on this show. And let's not even mention Andy Bellefleur impregnating an alien and those girls growing up in a matter of weeks. Towards the end of the finale episode (episode 10: Radioactive) it showed us Eric in the snowy mountains, full frontal and reading a book and then suddenly burning. I was thinking to myself (please don't die Eric). I really hope that Pam got to him in time, or he found a way to hide from the sun. They then did a 6 months later thing. Where Sam is president (whoo hoo!), Sookie and Alcide are a couple? and Tara's mom makes a confessions and allows Tara to feed off of her. Oh! and Terry's funeral scene really made me cry so much!

Switched at Birth season 2 Discussion

I loved this last half of Switched at Birth season 2. So let's start off with Ty and Bay: I am definitely team E-Bay so I wasn't too pleased with the whole Ty and Bay getting back together. I just don't think that they have that perfect chemistry. I think he did lie about cheating on her though, to get her off his case about being deported and to protect her feelings if anything did happen to him there. Oh, and having sex for the first time with him was probably not the best idea, since she clearly still has feelings for Emmett.
Ok, so let us talk about Daphne a little bit now: I love that she stands up for what she believes in (remember the whole "taking back Carlton" incident?) but she may have gone too far by exposing Chip Codo's affair. She could have gotten into a lot of trouble, but I love the letter she wrote in the end of the finale episode, truly inspiring. 
Now onto the Toby and Nikki Relationship: We find out that Nikki's died was murdered in a drug deal. And we see her go off the rails, with Toby supporting her the whole way through. I disagree with the adults. They are in love and if they want to get married, then so be it! 
I love everything about this show, it's inspiring and a good light-hearted drama.

Angel Beats discussion

This show is basically about angels who have died and are half way to heaven. Once they have fulfilled their dreams or have gotten over their regrets, they disappear and move on. This anime makes you laugh your guts out the one minute, then the next you are crying buckets. I especially cried when Kanade told Otonashi that she received his heart and said "Thank you for giving me life" right in the middle of him confessing his love to her. I loved this anime and finished it in two days.

Pretty Little Liars season 4 Mid-season finale discussion

Since so much happened in the finale I'm just going to focus my discussion on that. Let's start at the beginning of the episode in bullet points:

  • The girls keep on getting packages which is A sending them a message.
  • Ashley Maran's charges are dropped (yay)
  • Ezra and Aria share a kiss and I'm not sure if they are back together or not, but poor Jake! He is such a nice guy. But Ezra and Aria do have a ton of chemistry I suppose
  • The girls then get sent to a magic show from A. They show us the town of Ravenswood (Can't flippen wait for that show!!)
  • The girls spot two redcoats: whom of which one of them is CeCe who locked Emily in a wooden box on a saw mill. CeCe then falls off a balcony type thing and is supposedly is dead, then disappears in a matter of seconds.
  • We then find out that Ali is indeed alive (gasps!) and has been hiding in Ravenswood.
  • Then the final moments we find Ezra in A's lair and now the question in everyone's mind is "Is Ezra A?". I personally think that he is like Toby and Caleb and trying to protect the girls from the inside.